The full list of results of the 2019 national round is now available in the results page. Congratulations to all!
Achievements at IOL 2018 in Prague
Breaking news form our teams at IOL in Prague:
Jenny Wang and Jisu Choi from Brisbane State High School have been awarded two honourable mentions, and James Phillips from Canberra Grammar School a Bronze medal.
Well done, guys, we are very proud of you!
Results of OzCLO 2017
A summary of the results of OzCLO 2017 are now available at the OzCLO website. Thank you to all participants, and congratulations to the winners!
Australians win medals at the Linguistics Olympiad
While our athletes are in Rio, Australian high-school students have come back from Mysore (India) with gold and silver medals from the International Linguistics Olympiad! Hedvig Skirgård and Dominique Estival report.
OzCLO’s best ever results at the International Linguistics Olympiad
The Australian delegates to the International Linguistic Olympiad at Mysore, India, have achieved their best results in the history of OzCLO!
Australia was represented by our Gold winning team from Melbourne Grammar and our Silver Winning Team from Baulkham Hill.
The results are:
Australia-1 (Max, Tom, Hamish, Martin)
– Melbourne Grammar – Team Silver (2nd in the world, Australia’s first ever top 3 placing in team)
– Max – Individual gold medal (4th in the world, Australia’s first ever gold) + best solution prize for Problem 2 (Australia’s first ever best solution)
– Tom – Individual honourable mention
Australia-Baulko (Henry, Luke, Al-Aabid, Gamshagi)
– Henry – Individual silver medal
Congratulations to all!
DEC 10 Special Event – NSW OzCLO Training Session
YOU ARE INVITED! A very special OzCLO Training Session will be held on the afternoon of Thursday, 10th December, 2015, from 4:00-5:30.
The event is being hosted by Baulkham Hills High School, a selective high school in Sydney’s North-West with a proud multicultural community. Their team was a state runner-up in the 2015 OZCLO contest so they’re happy to share their enthusiasm by hosting the venue for the event.
For further details, see the Facebook event:
Two Australian teams to travel to Bulgaria
Two teams from OzCLO 2015 will participate in the 13th International Linguistics Olympiad in Bulgaria during July 20-24th. We wish them all the best!
From a teacher
I loved watching the kids work well together – I would rate the teamwork element of this competition as one of the best parts!